Tuesday, March 15, 2016


  • The abstraction of current in a circuit this property are called resistance.

  •  To oppose the current flow , this is called resistance.
  • Resistance is a scalar quantity.
  • It is derive physical quantity.
  • Its SI-Unit is "ohm".
  • Dimension of resistance is

  • TYPES OF RESISTANCE:-  There are different type of resistance, they are given bellow:-
  • Fixed Resistance
  • Carbon Resistance
  • Metal film Resistance
  • Ceramic Resistance
  • LDR
  • Thermistor
  • Wire wound Resistance 
  • Variable Resistance
  • Fixed Resistance:-  The value of this resistance not changed after manufacturing. The symbol of this resistance is:-
                                            Image result for electrical resistance symbol
  • Carbon Resistance:- 
  • It is most general proupse Cheep resistor.
  • Tolerances of carbon resistor is plus & minus 5% or 10%.
  • Practically tolerances of carbon resistor is plus & minus 5%.
  • Disadvantage of carbon resistor is they tend to be electrically noise.
  • In carbon resistor, Inert filler is "alumina".
  • Metal Film Resistor:-
  • This resistor are used when higher tolerances.
  • Metal film resistor much accrue value of carbon resistance.
  • Its tolerances lies between plus & minus 1%to 2% .
  • Practically tolerances of metal film  resistor is plus & minus 0.05%.
  • Ni-chrome(Ni-Cr) is generally used for the material of metal film resistor. 
  • In metal film resister Oh-mic range is 100 to 1 mega ohm. 
  • Metal film resistor can be expected "lowest noise.
  • Metal film resistor are evaporated using very low pressure. 
  • In case of evaporated nichrome resistor resistance value is increase with time.  

  • Ceramic Resistor:- 
  • They have very high power rating.
  • This  Resistor can become extremely hot when used for high power application.
  • LDR:-
  • LDR stand for "light dependent resistor".
  • It is made of "Cadmium Sulfide" Photo cell.
  • It resistor depends on the amount of light falling its.
  • It kept in darkness than the value resistance will be "high".
  • It kept in more lights than the value resistance will be "low"   
  • Thermistor:-
  • This resistor depends on temperature.
  • thermistor are two types NTC & PTC.
  • NTC stand for negative temperature coefficient.
  • PTC stand for positive temperature coefficient.
  • NTC thermistor , temperature will be increase than resistance will be decrease.
  • PTC thermistor , temperature will be increase than resistance will be increase.
  • It is used for temperature censer.  
  • Wire Wound Resistor:-
  • It is made of metal resistance wire.
  • It is high wattage resistor.
  • In this resistor using thick wire material.
  • This resistor not be used for high frequency circuit.
  • Variable resistor:-
  • Variable resistor are also called rheostat.
  • Some variable resistor must be tuned many  time(multi tum pot).
  • It is to use the whole range of resistance they offer.
  • This allows very precise adjustment of this value.
  • This is also called  "Potentiometer"  or "Trimmer Potentiometer " or "Presets".
  • Maximum rotation angle of variable resistor is 300 degree.
  • Variable resistor made of "Concentain wire" .

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